Lemon Oil Alert

Here at Safi we have always used Oasis detergent. Oasis is a special green cleaning product because it isn’t just super safe for humans and pets, easy on the skin, safe for greywater systems, never tested on laboratory animals, and completely biodegradable… it also biocompatible. “What’s biocompatible?” you might wonder when you dictionary doesn’t recognize … Read more

Happy MLK Day!

Why was Martin Luther King, Jr in Memphis on April 4,1968? He had come to support the tired, underpaid sanitation workers who were on strike. Sanitation is often the last thing the economy really wants to support, and cleaners of all kinds tend to work hard for little pay. These are issues near and dear … Read more

Think sunshine and think Safi.

Think sunshine and think Safi. We clean our cloths in bio-compatible detergent, use the gray water to feed trees, and hang the cloths up to dry where UV light can further sanitize them. When we first learned that many cleaning companies use disposable towels, or use regular microfiber cloths, but throw them away after a … Read more

Face shield for cleaners

The face shields have arrived! Our Safi-made masks are all-cotton, which is a little more truly non-toxic than plastic, but this face shield is one of the best uses for plastic we have ever seen–it doesn’t interfere with breathing or seeing, as the masks tended too. And they protect our eyes! We are still essential, … Read more

Cleaning Business during COVID-19

Yes we are still cleaning, and we are taking very strict precautions. This morning John Moffat, of the Pima County Department Of Economic Development reconfirmed that cleaning continues to be on the list of essential services, and if done correctly, it may be beneficial. So we are still cleaning, but with these updated protocols: –Cleaners … Read more

What kills a virus?

Clients are calling to ask “Can you disinfect my house?” And, “”Is it really possible to kill viruses non-toxically?” Our answer is yes, and also no. We agree with the US Center for Disease Control that routine cleaning is sufficient. Viruses are fragile, and routine cleaning will eliminate most of them. So, cleaning is a … Read more