Here at Safi we are all learning the co-op model…

There are many benefits to this model. One is the support of the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, and being able to communicate with other fairly-run cleaning businesses, around the country. Being part of this positive movement is a source of joy for us all. Another is financial transparency. We have always, as a business, … Read more

A gift for someone has everything…

Know someone who has everything? Maybe they need help tidying their everything up! Recently, clients have been asking for gift certificates, so Jamie designed this nice form. When you give the gift of cleaning you are giving someone a fresh outlook in the new year, and some extra time just to r-e-l-a-x. All the best … Read more

Happy MLK Day!

Why was Martin Luther King, Jr in Memphis on April 4,1968? He had come to support the tired, underpaid sanitation workers who were on strike. Sanitation is often the last thing the economy really wants to support, and cleaners of all kinds tend to work hard for little pay. These are issues near and dear … Read more