Office hours and work hours

If you look at our hours, you will see that they are limited– we take off weekends and we even close early on Fridays! But those are our office hours. Actually, now that we have grown to be a network of cooperatives, we take on jobs seven days a week, from dawn until past midnight. We are pretty busy! Call us and get on our schedule.

This is our principals…

Safi Home Works, LLC, was founded on the two basic principles. They both involve transparency. First, it’s not enough to be “green.” We have to define what “green cleaning” is. For us it means truly non-toxic to skin, lungs, and soil, and being totally transparent about our ingredients and processes so that clients can decide … Read more

Next Step as a Truly Non-Toxic Cleaning Company

Spray bottle

  What about plastic spray bottles? In our quest to be a truly non-toxic, super sustainable, and beyond-green cleaning company we ask ourselves, What’s the next step? Plastic spray bottles. We use them every day. They are extremely cheap, convenient, and lightweight. We have a picture of one on our flyers, spraying out flowers. What … Read more